Waste Of Paint

Friday, September 26, 2008

Us and Them

They sit behind their desks
continuing the same monotony ad naseum
unaware of their locks and chains
as they slave away for some unseen entity
whose rule is nearly complete

These people turned machines
have turned against their own
They have become the not so invisible hand
of our not so civilized society
They speak but their words are not their own
They think but not their thoughts are not their own
They move but they are just marionettes
They are the non living living. Alive but not alive

And we are not them, not now, not yet, not ever
And our fight is waged against what they have become
The change we will never see in ourselves
For we know what is held deep within us
We can sense it when we are alone with the night, with our deepest thoughts, with our fears welling inside of us, and out of these depths rises the hope we can only feel and not see
We can feel it when we are among those who we love, where words become extraneous, it is in our smiles, our songs, our hearts
It is then we know the difference and we know what we shall never become

We will live our own lives, and believe me, we will live
We will love till we have none left to give
We will sing at the top of our lungs till our vocal cords are ripped away from us
We will dance till are feet are bleeding with our lust and our love
And we will never surrender


  • it seems as if you are plagued with a potent strain of stiggitothemanitis

    By Blogger emily, at 2:48 PM  

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