Waste Of Paint

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Conor Oberst is a god. I wonder what my life would be like if i drank smoked and did millions of drugs and let go of my tight hold on reality. Maybe i would write more, maybe it would be more interesting, maybe i would feel less pain, maybe i would feel more. I dont know, but i do know thats probably never going to be me, and i think im happy with that. However, there is no question he is living his life in a way that is fucking special and unique.
Anyways, i had to go to court for no fucking reason today, and i ended up writing a lil and figured id just post some writings i started but didnt finish, so these are incomplete thoughts and ideas, to be finished some day, or more likely, to be left incomplete, as is the story of my life

Incomplete Thoughts Ideas Poems Writings by Me

The Classroom Experience
As I sit in clas, lounged in my chair, I await knowledge, stimulation, anything to force me to defend my beliefs or change them. I am a vessel ready to learn, debate, argue to battle for truth. My learning is active, I will talk and think things through until i better understand them. I am surrounded by passive grade grubbers. They sit there wanting, taking, needing something, but it is not truth, knowledge or wisdom...


I want a fucking rainbow, I want a fucking rainbow
Maybe black and/or white isn't good enough for me
Maybe the only good is life and the only evil is not living it
Maybe there is more to civilization than capitalism
Maybe people can help each each other, see each other as brothers from the same mother
Maybe I want a fucking Rainbow
Is it me or is the the whole world suddenly a dichotomy
There are always 2 choices from the same 2 voices
Maybe I dont want to chose between paper or plastic, light or dark, good or evil
Tall or short, Top or Bottom, Cash or Credit,
Republican or Democrat, man or woman, straight or gay, American Citizen or flag burning hippe commie, God or the Devil,
Maybe I dont believe in right and wrong
Is it so hard to believe that there are more than the extremes
That life isn't on the edges, but in the middle
Maybe Life is a fucking rainbow
Maybe, naw fuck it, definitely, i dont know that much
But what i do know is my life will continue to be a rainbow
I will fight every dichotomy
When I come to a river I will build a bridge
When I run into walls i will paint them with the colors of the rainbow till they fall
Because in the end all we are left with is the connections we have with each other
We don't take our skin or our money with us when we die
So why do we care about it so much whie we are alive
Maybe life already is a rainbow, and we just have to look a little harder to see it


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