She said "you never write happy peoms about me"
I love you, as much as I know a person could possibly love
I love you in the way that it hurts because I love someone so singularly and beautifully unique
And everyday I must live knowing you can never be replaced
I love you as much as I wanted to love as a child
but not how
I wanted to love differently as a child
I wanted my love unselfish, raw, unalloyed, agendaless
The way I later read and have always believed was possible
But my bruises and breaks are still healing
Despite stitches and staples and casts
Those cliched scars remain
And being brave isn't loving you despite those scars
It is in believing that those scars are beautiful
That I worked and waited and reopened and closed those holes a thousand times
And have made those scars myself, those scars are the best of me
I have nearly died healing myself and getting back up
I have spent nights totally alone with my thoughts
I have spent years digging at the deepest parts of me to share with friends and lovers
And I have found that the baggage I carry is excessive
That it is far past time to begin to let it go
Because it will always be there, if I need to pick it back up
But we always won't, because forever cannot be measured
And there is no fixed amount of days or seconds to define what our forever is
But I'll be damned if I'll let our forever slip away just because I've been cut and opened and hurt
I'll be damned if our forever ends because I didn't love myself enough to love you the way you deserve
Because whether forever is another meal, or walk, or cigarette; or
a shoulder to cry on, or a pair of eyes to look into
I promise to not let that heaviness drag us down
Because what's underneath everything is a boy full of love and joy
who's heart the world has been trying to break his whole life
But he never let it shatter, and he's not about to now
And I can accept tripping over the shards, I can no longer keep cutting myself with them
And I will steal a line from my favorite singer and truly believe that "you can't trust a heart that's just so bent it can't break"
But I know our hearts can break, in a million ways both good and bad
I have seen your heart break for the world's most beautiful turkey, in the best and the worst way
And my heart has broken seeing your face as we drove up the 5 from Corcoran
And we have both broken each others hearts, we are not too bent
We don't have the perfect pasts we wish we had but we can have perfect moments
And even if they are brief we can find forever in them
And I will let insecurities be, and not feed them, because they bend my heart too much
And I never want a heart that won't break
And I love you, and I want to make scars with you
No more deep cuts, no more behavior reminiscent of what is under those scars
Just love and honest mistakes coming from good places, not out of fears and insecurity
You are beautiful, in every way, and it's not the cuts, gashes, holes, and scrapes that are beautiful
But they are part of you, inseparable, but they do not define you
Only you can define yourself, and I can only define myself
But the best fucking thing I know, is that we define us
And I am so fucking happy that we are here right now, and that there is a chance, a second, a minute, or even another day, to get another chance to have a forever with you
I love you in the way that it hurts because I love someone so singularly and beautifully unique
And everyday I must live knowing you can never be replaced
I love you as much as I wanted to love as a child
but not how
I wanted to love differently as a child
I wanted my love unselfish, raw, unalloyed, agendaless
The way I later read and have always believed was possible
But my bruises and breaks are still healing
Despite stitches and staples and casts
Those cliched scars remain
And being brave isn't loving you despite those scars
It is in believing that those scars are beautiful
That I worked and waited and reopened and closed those holes a thousand times
And have made those scars myself, those scars are the best of me
I have nearly died healing myself and getting back up
I have spent nights totally alone with my thoughts
I have spent years digging at the deepest parts of me to share with friends and lovers
And I have found that the baggage I carry is excessive
That it is far past time to begin to let it go
Because it will always be there, if I need to pick it back up
But we always won't, because forever cannot be measured
And there is no fixed amount of days or seconds to define what our forever is
But I'll be damned if I'll let our forever slip away just because I've been cut and opened and hurt
I'll be damned if our forever ends because I didn't love myself enough to love you the way you deserve
Because whether forever is another meal, or walk, or cigarette; or
a shoulder to cry on, or a pair of eyes to look into
I promise to not let that heaviness drag us down
Because what's underneath everything is a boy full of love and joy
who's heart the world has been trying to break his whole life
But he never let it shatter, and he's not about to now
And I can accept tripping over the shards, I can no longer keep cutting myself with them
And I will steal a line from my favorite singer and truly believe that "you can't trust a heart that's just so bent it can't break"
But I know our hearts can break, in a million ways both good and bad
I have seen your heart break for the world's most beautiful turkey, in the best and the worst way
And my heart has broken seeing your face as we drove up the 5 from Corcoran
And we have both broken each others hearts, we are not too bent
We don't have the perfect pasts we wish we had but we can have perfect moments
And even if they are brief we can find forever in them
And I will let insecurities be, and not feed them, because they bend my heart too much
And I never want a heart that won't break
And I love you, and I want to make scars with you
No more deep cuts, no more behavior reminiscent of what is under those scars
Just love and honest mistakes coming from good places, not out of fears and insecurity
You are beautiful, in every way, and it's not the cuts, gashes, holes, and scrapes that are beautiful
But they are part of you, inseparable, but they do not define you
Only you can define yourself, and I can only define myself
But the best fucking thing I know, is that we define us
And I am so fucking happy that we are here right now, and that there is a chance, a second, a minute, or even another day, to get another chance to have a forever with you
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