I want to hear your stories. No i don't want to hear about who you are dating or what you think of other random people. I want to hear stories of your past. I want you to tell them to me the way you see them. I don't just want to hear the stories of your life, I need to hear them. I need to know you are human, that there is more to you than this world. I need to know your life is rich w history, and that your stories weave together like ocean currents, hot and cold mixing in at incredible depths all forming what has now become you. I need to know you tall kid w glasses in my philosophy class. I need to know you grandma, sitting alone on the train, you are more than skin and bones, your are full of life, i need to hear about it. I need to know you beauracratic worker, I need to know there is more than paperwork and imaginary rules, I need to know this is a cover for who you really are. I know I am not alone and I want you to know that i know. We all know, and i need us to know we all know, that we are in this together.
Everyone is born a storyteller. It is in our blood and passed down from our ancestors as a way of life, it has just been lost a little the last couple hundred years. If you love something, then you can talk to me about it forever and it will be so compelling that I will never ask you to stop. If you love marine biology you could talk to me for hours about whales and i will be fascinated. Your story will be told straight from your soul and I will not only hear it I will feel it. Do not dumb your story down, do not assuage the feelings, do not soften the emotions, flood me with them. Run me over with your passion, leave me trampled and impressed with your intensity, and I will find myself desperately searching for words that you deserve to hear so you know that I am capable of loving something so much. Tell me about your family, and i will dwell in your sometimes sweet sometimes sour misery, and we will hope for change together. We will find the good in not only ourselves, but in the world we live in.
Everyone is born a storyteller. It is in our blood and passed down from our ancestors as a way of life, it has just been lost a little the last couple hundred years. If you love something, then you can talk to me about it forever and it will be so compelling that I will never ask you to stop. If you love marine biology you could talk to me for hours about whales and i will be fascinated. Your story will be told straight from your soul and I will not only hear it I will feel it. Do not dumb your story down, do not assuage the feelings, do not soften the emotions, flood me with them. Run me over with your passion, leave me trampled and impressed with your intensity, and I will find myself desperately searching for words that you deserve to hear so you know that I am capable of loving something so much. Tell me about your family, and i will dwell in your sometimes sweet sometimes sour misery, and we will hope for change together. We will find the good in not only ourselves, but in the world we live in.
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i really liked this.
emily, at 6:54 PM
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emily, at 5:22 PM
this is why I miss you James. I hope to see you during Christmas.
umm. yeah! we can play scrabble. byeee
jessica, at 11:36 PM
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