Waste Of Paint

Monday, March 30, 2015

Have you ever?

Have you ever had a person make a serious and real attempt to destroy you?  I have once, and I am not talking about either of my parents and their apparently subconscious desires to do this.  I am talking about her.  She tried to fucking destroy me.  The best part of the story.  She didn't, she didn't even come close.  There was a level of pain she thought I was willing to endure, and she was right and I endured it.  What she didn't know was that I could have endured much more pain and much worse treatment, but I didn't.  The thing is, I chose to stop. What she didn't know is I can't be destroyed because I am not reducible to a thing, or identity, or object.  I am everything and nothing, the entire binary and its own negation.  I am


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