Waste Of Paint

Monday, September 07, 2015

to our friends?!

spent 10 hours at work today, a direct quote from a coworker "I hate that bitch" about our boss.  Seems like she is not very popular with anyone.  I was trying to explain to two friends after work how they hate the boss differently than I do.  The difference is they hate this boss, I hate the idea of a boss and it's material effect on me.  This material effect is texting, complaining, trying not to pay me, and several other mildly annoying things that coupled with my hatred of bosses in general, means I really hate here but also realize I'd probably hate most anyone in her position. 

So  after work I spent like 5 hours talking about this text, To Our Friends, which in my opinion is shit.  I'm not gonna break it down here, but it was really annoying and I felt misunderstood, which is always my least favorite feeling.  Ugh.  Why do people read such crap and pretend like a few skittles on top of the turd means we should consider and listen to the turd


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